On Sunday nights, after work, some of us gather at a little piano bar in Gaithersburg. The Flaming Pit has been a favorite place of mine for many years. I am very happy when the people I take want to go back. Young or old, it's always fun. Lately I've been introducing some of the younger set from the castle. Last night was a blast!
I am more than content to sit and listen and occasionally add my voice to a sing-a-long or two. But sometimes I am called to come

up and lend my voice to the microphone. I got to perform "Count Your Blessings" from the movie White Christmas. I also did "Where The Blue Of The Night" from Bing Crosby's repertoire. The picture of Blake and me has us doing a duet from The Muppet Movie, "I Hope That Something Better Comes Along".
In attendence this evening was Katie and her husband Ben. Katie is a manager in training at the castle and Ben sings with the Navy Sea

Chanters. Also from the castle were Josh W., Jay, Amanda D., Jessica and even a knight (cool Josh). We were also joinrd by my friends from D.C., Ron and Michael.
The young 'uns were kind of out of their element amongst all the broadway songs but things livened up when Blake ripped into the first Christmas Carols of the season. This prompted a massive sing-a-long by everyone. With the help of my friend, Captain Morgan, a rollicking

time was had by all! The more people who come, the better time we have!

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