Tuesday, December 08, 2009

CHINA - have arrived

Richard has asked me to post to his blog for him..... so here is the first entry coming to you via me from China - K -

"Well we made it! Fifteen hours on the plane and three hours on the bus. I can't tell you the tired I feel. I didn't sleep on the plane. I don't know what it is, I just don't sleep on planes. I got 2 hours of sleep on Sunday night on purpose so I could be real tired on the plane. Didn't work.

It's 7:50 pm on Tuesday night as I write this. I believe it is 6:50 am Tuesday morning in the states. We have been instructed to try to stay up at least 2 more hours (1o pm) to get to China on China time. I'm going to go out and get something to eat and crash. More later.
