Feel Good!

Last Sunday night, late. It's just after midnight and I've had a long day at work. I start to drive home from work when I look down at my gas gauge. It's below empty. I'm not gonna make it home. I make a u-turn and pull in to the Exxon station that I just passed. For some reason, the lights are out in the Quickie Mart and the gas nozzles are covered. Odd. I move on to the Exxon across the street. I pull up to the pump, get my credit card out and begin the process. There's a little beep and an L.E.D. readout saying that the pump is closed. CRAP! It's midnight and this station shuts down for 30 minutes to do their shift change.
Fortunately I know where more gas can be found. There was a time when I was boycotting Exxon for their un-godly profit mongering and I solicited other gas stations. About a mile away is a little independent station with their own little Quickie Mart. I pull in and start to fill. There is only one other car in the lot and their in the Quickie Mart. I'm minding my own business when the owner of the other car exits the Quickie Mart and backs up to in front of my car. A head pops out the window. My first thought was that he needed directions.
"Wanna race?"
Surely I hadn't heard him correctly.
"Wanna race?"
I did hear correctly.
"Why not?"
"The only way I can race is if everyone in your car got out and pushed mine. I don't have anything." Meaning under the hood.
"That's a Tiburon isn't it?"
What an intelligent boy, what an observant boy.
"Yeah, it's a Tiburon."
"Then let's race!"
"I'm 47, I don't need to go fast."
This, of course, is a lie. I'm still 46!
"I'm 20 and I like to go fast!"
He speeds off and I watch him go. I shake my head. Kids. They're gonna kill themselves. As I watch him go, one thought comes to my mind. I could've taken him.
Why does this make me feel good? Two reasons. The kid possibly thought I was a lot younger than I was and he thought I had a pretty good looking car. My vanity is safe for awhile!
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