More Dreams

Two nights ago, I woke up from being bitten by a snake. Although it didn't happen at Bounding Bend, it did happen in the old neighborhood.
David and I were clearing land at a neighbor's house (we actually did a lot of yard work there). I was suspended on some kind of rope swing over the yard watching David work. He stopped to take a break when we realized that there could be snakes in the marshy brush. Soon I began to spot a snake or two from my elevated height. I would spy them and David would grab them around the neck and dispose of them.
Well, I happened to see just the head of a snake poking out of some shallow bracken. It head was particularly evil shaped and I warned David that this one was poisonous. He lunged for the neck of the snake but missed, grabbing it somewhere near the middle instead. The snake launched itself from it's position, sinking teeth firmly into the underside of my arm, successfully piercing the skin.
This was actually the second time in the dream that I would be bitten. The first was by a smaller snake of no consequence. The second bite, I knew was of the poisonous nature and concerned me. Although I was concerned, I did not panic as I knew that all I had to do was wake up and I'd be ok. So I woke up. I woke up and found that my right arm had fallen asleep from the awkward position it had been in.
Last night took me back to Bounding Bend. I was in the little house in the back yard. It seemed that the little house had mice and rats and traps needed to be set. I had some traps that I began to set using chicken as bait. As I was setting the traps, a rat came and stole a piece of chicken. Damn rat, I'll get you. I set the traps inside the little house. I went outside to the yard to see someone chasing a big ol' rat. As it ran near me, I swung a big shoe at it and demolished it, splattering its guts all over the yard as well as myself. I was covered in guts. My job here is done. I woke up.
The night before last was all about UFO's. Sometimes I think dreams are also imagination. Not every dream has to mean something.
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