Go Richard! It's Your Birthday!

Happy Birthday To Me!
Unlike many people I know (mostly the women!), I'm happy to celebrate my 47th birthday! I'll wait for the applause to die down...
Wow, that's a lot of applause... I'll wait a little more...
OK, enough, enough!
Thanks to my favoritest cousin Ann who called to wish me a happy birthday all the way from Chicago!
Thanks to Sandy who took me to dinner at O'Meara's Irish Pub all the way down in Manassas, Virginia. I wanted to go there so we took her new Jeep Grand Cherokee with GPS and Bluetooth and had a ball! We have fun wherever we go! She also gave me a Write On - Wipe off Clapboard (not the clap you simple people) and a Hollywood Reel thingy for the wall. (I'll take a picture.)
Thanks to Kristi who took me to see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at the National Theatre in DC. (Spell COW). More on this later. She also gave me a record turntable that transfers LP's into MP3's on my computer! Too cool! And she baked a German Chocolate cake (always my favorite!)
And now I'm going to work where I'm sure over 500 people will gather under the guise of seeing a show but I know it's to celebrate my birthday!
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