This Is A Weird One
So why did I dream about Uruguay last night? This one is really odd and you have to trust me, I wasn't visiting with my good friend Captain Morgan.
Last night I dreamt that I was doing wildlife conservation work in Uruguay. Why Uruguay? I don't know but it was a cool dream.
Uruguay is a small nation in South America wedged in between Brazil and Argentina. Everything I just read about it seems pretty cool, stable
government, healthy economy and good relation with its neighbors and the U.S.
The beginning of the dream was kind of a bummer. I didn't want to be there and I was pretty bored. We (I don't know who the rest of we were or are) we camped on the banks of a river. I was just sitting there watching the river, that was my job. Suddenly an alarm rang out. We were being overflown by a massive flock of birds, so many that it blotted out the sun. The alarm was not for any danger but to protect our exposed lunch from a massive bombing of bird poop. As we ran to cover our food, the massive flock flew over us and disappeared. I resumed eating my lunch.
I decided to take my big, huge, leafy plate of salad thigh high into the river. The water was warm and peaceful. I was getting bored again, afterall I'm eating a big, huge, leafy salad. What is more boring than that? So anyway, I'm eating my salad when the water starts to darken a bit. I feel a bump. Not a little fish bump but a big bump. Not a violent, knock me over bump but more of a nudge. I look down into the water that I'm standing thigh high in and I see a rather large shape. It bumps me again. I throw it a piece of lettuce. The thing eats it and bumps me again. Another piece of lettuce. Then there's a bump from another one. More lettuce. Now the water is full of the rather large, swimming animals. I never feel threatened so I dole out more lettuce. Then one rises and breaks the surface to snuffle (yes snuffle) at my plate of lettuce. I see what they are! Manatees! The river is full of them! And they have come for my lettuce!
I don't believe that Uruguay has manatees but it sure was a cool dream.
Last night I dreamt that I was doing wildlife conservation work in Uruguay. Why Uruguay? I don't know but it was a cool dream.
Uruguay is a small nation in South America wedged in between Brazil and Argentina. Everything I just read about it seems pretty cool, stable

The beginning of the dream was kind of a bummer. I didn't want to be there and I was pretty bored. We (I don't know who the rest of we were or are) we camped on the banks of a river. I was just sitting there watching the river, that was my job. Suddenly an alarm rang out. We were being overflown by a massive flock of birds, so many that it blotted out the sun. The alarm was not for any danger but to protect our exposed lunch from a massive bombing of bird poop. As we ran to cover our food, the massive flock flew over us and disappeared. I resumed eating my lunch.
I decided to take my big, huge, leafy plate of salad thigh high into the river. The water was warm and peaceful. I was getting bored again, afterall I'm eating a big, huge, leafy salad. What is more boring than that? So anyway, I'm eating my salad when the water starts to darken a bit. I feel a bump. Not a little fish bump but a big bump. Not a violent, knock me over bump but more of a nudge. I look down into the water that I'm standing thigh high in and I see a rather large shape. It bumps me again. I throw it a piece of lettuce. The thing eats it and bumps me again. Another piece of lettuce. Then there's a bump from another one. More lettuce. Now the water is full of the rather large, swimming animals. I never feel threatened so I dole out more lettuce. Then one rises and breaks the surface to snuffle (yes snuffle) at my plate of lettuce. I see what they are! Manatees! The river is full of them! And they have come for my lettuce!
I don't believe that Uruguay has manatees but it sure was a cool dream.
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