Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Game Is Afoot

Many of you who know my brother Scott and Sister-In-Law Allison know that they were once big people. Very big people. Now a change of life has occurred for them and they are rapidly becoming smaller people. Much smaller. So small in fact, they have me worried, not about them, about me. Brother Scott has lost over 120 lbs. That's almost a whole person. When last I spoke to him, he was just over 300 lbs. Wow, that's great! Until I got to thinking.


This cannot be. I cannot let this happen. I refuse to be the fat one in the family. I have officially entered the race. I will not be caught. Scott, I'm 264lbs right now and I refuse to let you pass. Do you hear me??? I'm off to manage portion control and excercise. You are doomed. (Not really because we'll all be winners) but dammit, I will not let you win. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go throw up now in honor of me entering the race.