Medieval King
As many of you know, I retired from the stage and the throne 2 years ago... until I briefly overthrew the crown for one day.

The show finally changed with great triumph on January 16th. Since there would never ever be a chance for me to do a show once it changed, I was granted permission to ascend the throne for one last time on Friday the 11th.
Click the Flickr logo on the right to see the pictures from the show. There are 102 of them. It's funny, most of my staff had never seen me as king. It was great to be up there one more time. I'm glad I did it but I don't miss it too much. The job I'm doing now is so much more challenging and rewarding. The stuff I'm learning about the restaurant business is amazing, and I learn something new everyday.
Some of the pictures from the last show are pretty good and some are pretty funny. There are a couple of shots that caught me sneaking a peek at the script! C'mon people, I hadn't done the show in nearly 2 years! I can cheat a little if I want!

Anyway, take a look at the pics, they're fun. And thanks to my friends Dina, David, Laura and Adele (sp?) who came out just to see me in my last show!
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