Amazing Technicolored Dream
I had to get this down as soon as I could. I didn't want to forget this dream.

Last night(or early this morning) just before I woke up, I had this dream. I dreamed that either I was performing the role of Joseph or I was a modern day Joseph. And the only part I dreamed was the very end of the show. I was running down a hill and singing the last song of the show. there were people all around but it didn't matter. I don't think many were paying attention to me anyway. I was wearing a spectacular coat that whirled all around me. I was so happy that I lifted off the ground, my voice still full of song. I don't know if it was the coat catching the wind or if it was my spirit that lifted me.
Now what does this mean? Yesterday was a great day. I got some good news at work and I was very lifted by it. This on top of a great trip to New York! Before I went to bed, I was looking at some pictures of mom and her house. Whenever I had great news I would always call her. She was always so supportive and excited for me. She always made me feel like Joseph. Maybe the dream was sent by her, returning me "to the beginning".
When mom died, I guess "the colors faded into darkness, I was left alone". The only thing is, the light isn't fading. It's still there! Dreams don't necessarily make sense. I just wanted to remember this one.
I close my eyes, drew back the curtain
To see for certain, what I thought I knew.
Far, far away someone was weeping
But the world was sleeping, any dream will do.
I wore my coat with golden lining
Bright colors shining wonderful and new.
And in the east, the dawn was breaking
And the world was waking, any dream will do.
A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight.
The colors faded into darkness, I was left alone.
May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming and the dream is too.
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating any dream will do.
Give me my colored coat, my amazing colored coat...